Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy mother day


……as I mature emotionally.

Neanderthal man will bed down almost any woman if no one is looking. Women of my generation wanted love more than sex. If sex was in the equations, there was hope for love. If a woman would have your child, she loved you more than a neanderthal could comprehend.

No man can understand the real love between a mother and child. I respect and honor my mother today now more that ever. Anyone who knew my mom would have trouble producing anything bad to say about her. (Except one of Bianca’s best friends she nicked named “cheese”) That aside all mom wanted was your company and time. She would say “tell me all about yourself” and mean it.

One of her favorite people was her grandfather. My namesake. It was fun to watch the dynamics between my mom and her older sister. Very entertaining. The Bantleon’ are loyal and have “duty to the family” instilled into them from birth.

Virginia Bantleon McClure was one of the strongest people I know. I am happy knowing she is finally seeing at 62 maturities coming from my actions. She could chat with Elon Musk and be on the same page. Even challenge him intellectually. She was worldly.

I am lucky to have a mom.

Sunday 08-25-2024 Gods