Sunday, January 29, 2017

This is goooood

Three Habits to Get Rid of Negative Emotions
  1. Hugs

Three Habits to Use on Your Body to Get Rid of Negative Emotions pic 3Oxytocin, or ‘the cuddle’ hormone is another hormone that affects our emotional state. When the level of oxytocin increases in our body, we feel more relaxed and at peace. According to psychologist Alex Korboxytocin produces a soothing sensation reducing our emotional reactivity to negative thoughts and the elements that can make our environment threatening.
Korb argued that interpersonal touch is one of the most powerful ways to increaseoxytocin in the body: hugs, handshakes, light taps on the shoulder, and orgasms are all practices that increase the level of oxytocin in the body. In addition to personal contact, contact with hot and soft objects also has a calming and relaxing effect:
“The feeling of heat can increase oxytocin – or at least mimic its effects. So if you can not be hugged, wrap yourself in a blanket and hold in your hands a cup of hot tea. A shower or a hot batha can also help.” Alex Korb, spiraling upwards: The neuroscience of depression.”

Sunday 08-25-2024 Gods