Sunday, April 17, 2016

10 Ways Empaths can Protect Themselves from Other People’s Energy by Diane Kathrine

10 Ways Empaths can Protect Themselves from Other People’s Energy

For the Empath, being out in public can be a traumatizing time that can leave one feeling floored and out of sorts. Simply nipping to the shops can mean we end up wearing someone else’s energy for the rest of the day; which isn’t such a bad thing if the energy is positive and highly charged. However, more often than not, it is the not-so-nice energy that clings to us and follows us home.
I have found that the best way to protect myself when out in public is by taking preƫmptive measures as well as having a few tactics to pull out of the bag when needed. I am sharing here with you some that I have found to be the most effective:
  1. Salt: Most already know of the amazing healing properties of salt (see here). It clears negative energies and also helps protect you from absorbing them. Add it to you bath, use as a body scrub and include it in you diet. Chose unrefined organic salt. Pink Himalayan rock salt is best.
  2. Crystals: Crystals offer us protection from all sorts of negative energies. They can also protect us from electro-magnetic energy. Choose the ones you most resonate with. (read more)
  3. Yoga: A short daily practice is a powerful protective tool for the Empath. Amongst many other amazing benefits, yoga helps balance and build your energy body, which in turn acts as an invisible force field.
  4. Singing: Yes, this may seem bonkers but it works! Sound affects us on many levels energetically. Yogis have used sound for thousands of years (chanting/song) because they know the power of it. Singing raises your frequency, making negative energy bounce off. Try it when you feel an incoming energy storm and see how it changes your vibration.
  5. Mirrored Energy Ball of Light: Everyday, visualise yourself engulfed in a huge vibrant mirrored ball of protection. Do it before you plan to go out in public. Believe it is there and know it is protecting you from other’s energy.
  6. Avoid Caffeine: Any kind of stimulant leaves the Empath wide open energetically. Too much coffee, for example, can leave you vulnerable to other people’s energy.
  7. Breath-work: Certain breathing techniques can work wonders for energy protection, both pre and post exposure. (Read more)
  8. Essential Oils: The power of essential oils has been known through the ages. As well as their amazing healing qualities, essential oils can help build a powerful energetic armor (Read more). As with crystals, chose the oil to resonate most. (My favourites are lavender, basil and frankincense.)
  9. Close Your Eyes: (For obvious reasons, this should only be done when it is safe to do.) In noisy, highly charged places closing your eyes can protect you from so much of the wayward energies that you would normally find seeping into your energy field. It is doubly effective if you practice a breathing technique at the same time. When you open your eyes again, you will find those energies that had been previously pounding you, seem to bounce off.
  10. Balance Your Hormones: This is possibly the most important and most effective of all these techniques. And yes, this also applies to men. Your hormones are directly linked to your chakras (see here), meaning they affect both your physical and energetic bodies. If your hormones are out of whack you will not be able to balance your own energy, never mind that of others. (I will be writing more on the subject of hormones, chakras and the Empath, so keep your eyes peeled, or sign up above to get posts direct to your inbox).
If you have found any other protective techniques that work well for you, please feel free to share them in the comments below.
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15 Sept 2015
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