Monday, November 30, 2020

Monday November 30th 2020 - 33 days until 2021

This day will be a new milestone of freedom.  


Mathew 7:6 “Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. King James Bible

I've never been a bible beater, yet somedays you need to hit them with a verse to wake them up. 

One day I will thank Dylan Pagent for the wake-up call. I do not want to belong to his club, and he showed me why. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020


Do you dislike that he made cruelty to animals a FELONY? 
Do you dislike he gave billions to stop the opioid crisis? 
He destroyed ISIS, killed how many terrorists without going to war and oh wait, everyone said we’d be in World War III by now with North Korea? 
Do you dislike him because we are the Largest producer of oil?
Do you dislike him because he wanted to build a wall to keep criminals and drugs from coming in? 
Do you dislike him because he just slashed the price for medications and some cases 50%, which is driving big Pharma nuts?
Do you dislike that he signed a law ending the gag-order on pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving options on prescriptions? 
Do you dislike that he signed the Save Our Seas Act which funds 10 million per year to clean tons of plastic and garbage from the ocean? 
Do you dislike that he signed a bill for airports to provide breast-feeding stations for nursing moms? 
Do you dislike that he signed the biggest wilderness protection and conservation bill in a decade designating 375,000 acres as protected land? 
Do you dislike that he loves America and puts Americans first? 
Do you dislike that he made a gay man the ambassador of Germany and then asked him to clean up national security and unclassified as much of it as possible for transparency? 
Do you dislike that he’s kept almost every campaign promise (with ZERO support from Congress who work against him daily!) plus 100 more promises because Washington was much more broken than he thought? 
Do you dislike like that he works for free, donating his salary to different charities? 
Do you dislike that he’s done more for the black community than every other President? 
Do you dislike that he listened to senator Scott and passed Invest In Opportunity Zones to help minorities? 
Do you dislike that he passed prison reform, which gives people a second chance and has made quite a huge difference for the black communities? 
Do you dislike that he passed VA reforms to benefit the very people who served our country and defend our freedom? 
Do you dislike that he’s winning and signing new trade deals that benefit Americans, instead of costing us more? 
Do you dislike that he loves his flag and his country? 
Do you dislike that he calls out and has shown all of us that they ARE Fake News, and they twist the truth to control and mislead the people and he is trying to protect us from this? 
Do you dislike that he’s ending wars? 
Do you dislike that he has made a commitment to end child-trafficking and crimes against humanity and has made 1000’s of arrests already? 
Do you dislike he’s brought home over 40 Americans held captive, the last one from Iran? Do you dislike that he’s proven he was right about the Deep State and he was spied on? 
Do you dislike that he was a Billionaire before he ran for President and now is worth at least 1/3 less... because he loves America THAT MUCH? 
Do you dislike that he’s making the world pay their fair share for the UN for protection? 
Do you dislike that he respects cops, veterans, ICE & First Responders? 
Do you dislike that he does not sell out America to other countries, like the leaders prior to him have done? 
Could it be possible that the ones who SELL OUT America to line their pockets OWN THE MEDIA AND HOLLYWOOD and hate him so much for trying to expose them and hate him for putting the PEOPLE first that they manipulate our thinking and control the information we get to steer US to hate him? These people benefit when you hate the man trying to stop them... so they won’t have to give up the wealth they have gotten and continue to get thru mass taxation and control. Wouldn’t you at least want to RESEARCH this possibility? Could 65,000 Americans already know the TRUTH... that he has done more for blacks in the last 20 years than our last 5 Presidents put together and is actually NOT a racist but you believe he is because it has been drilled into your head and yet you’ve never researched his accomplishments? You can start by watching those daily briefings he did during the lockdown (all on line) and then watching the coverage on the Main Stream Media and how they twisted it. Do you actually believe the President encouraged America to inject bleach? Did you research the effects of UV LIGHT which is used to disinfect SCHOOL BUSES and medical equipment and is also being used as a treatment for bacteria and respiratory infections by injecting it into humans (search Healight but don’t use Google... they are part of the Deep State and manipulate what we see! And they sell our info, which is why you see merchandise pop up the day after you searched for something! Use Duckduckgo)!!! They want you to believe he is stupid because if you figure out that he isn’t, they will lose billions of dollars and all their control. I know... it is hard to let go of what you believed to be true for most of your life. You are not alone. But your BLIND hatred of this man who is literally trying to save us from the far Left, radical Socialists is going to be detrimental to our country if you continue to support their hatred. They are teaching hatred and separation... even in families! You are not allowed to agree with “part” of their agenda and think for yourself; you must repeat their FULL belief system or name-calling and insults ensue... this is the definition of a cult! All or nothing! They despise LAW AND ORDER. 
Just look around you. He supports it, so we are safe and can live in a civilized society. He stands for unity and America first.
You will be amazed at how much more peace comes into your life when you turn off the FAKE NEWS and turn on the true America, where we focus on what unites us, not what divides us. The media hates him from day one. Impeachment was on the table before he was elected. They said Impeach the mother Fuc#^*r....but his rhetoric is bad? He’s never given a chance yet he’s done more in 4 years than any president with zero help from the media or democrats. Results don’t lie onto the radical left.
How dare he care so much about America. Love it or leave it.
Do your research... I have!
I Copied/pasted will you??
All of these are verifiable things Trump has done! And verifiable that the media twists his words!
Enough said 📷. I don’t want to argue, I just want people to be informed and to make their own opinions not just what we are told mostly by main stream media. Do your own research, please.
Trump 2020!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Round 2 "Capitalist Party"

The Republicans and Democrats are as antiquated as the Tories and Whigs. Look how Lincoln changed the world as the 1st Republican President.

The Capitalist Party is a PRO business platform. We need to get back to the American way of trading with our neighbors 1st. We will take back the system from the bureaucrats. Division heads need to retool the existing rules and create an inviting environment for development.

We have people running us [ our government ] that have never made payroll. Until you have experienced the pressure of payroll out of your won pocket, you can't relate to the entrepreneur that pays taxes to make the government-run.

It is time we are madmen [ and madwomen ] and flush the system and take our country back. We are in a civil war that is chipping away at the capitalist way. You all need to see that so Capitalist can unite. We need a Capitalist party and unite against the evil that is afoot. It starts in Shawnee County.

Kansas played a big role in the last civil war, so be it.

How I Became a Madman (Prologue)
Kahlil Gibran - 1883-1931

You ask me how I became a madman. It happened thus: One day, long before many gods were born, I woke from a deep sleep and found all my masks were stolen,—the seven masks I have fashioned and worn in seven lives,—I ran maskless through the crowded streets shouting, “Thieves, thieves, the cursed thieves.”

Men and women laughed at me and some ran to their houses in fear of me.

And when I reached the market place, a youth standing on a house-top cried, “He is a madman.” I looked up to behold him; the sun kissed my own naked face for the first time. For the first time the sun kissed my own naked face and my soul was inflamed with love for the sun, and I wanted my masks no more. And as if in a trance I cried, “Blessed, blessed are the thieves who stole my masks.”

Thus I became a madman.

And I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us.

But let me not be too proud of my safety. Even a Thief in a jail is safe from another thief.

Friday, June 19, 2020

—Sanskrit proverb

Look to this day,
For it is life,
The very life of life.
In its brief course lie all
The realities and verities of existence,
The bliss of growth,
The splendor of action,
The glory of power—

For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision,
But today, well lived,
Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore, to this day.

—Sanskrit proverb

Monday, June 15, 2020

......... autonomous zone


"OK, here's how I would handle the situation in Seattle.

“1. Set up a perimeter around their so-called border, complete with concertina wire, armed border patrol agents, and checkpoints. At these CHECKPOINTS, post huge signs saying, "You are now entering the United States of America. Please have passports and travel papers ready". Deny them entry into the U.S.

“2. CUT OFF their electricity, water, and sewer systems. Since they are autonomous, they must supply their own infrastructure. If they wish to use American infrastructure, they must pay for it -- at international rates.
“3. Place TARIFFS on any goods or foodstuffs they wish to IMPORT into their autonomous zone, same as you would with any other country.

“4. Cut off their access to WI-FI and CELL SERVICE. Since they are autonomous, they must establish their own corporations to provide these services. If they wish to use American internet and phone services, they must pay -- at international rates.

“5. If they wish to return to the United States, they must APPLY for IMMIGRATION, just like any other foreigner would. If they sneak into the country, put them into detention centers, then deport them back to CHAZ.

“6. Sit back and laugh when they start realizing the real world isn't like playing Sims in Mommy's basement.”

Author - A friend of a friend

Sunday 08-25-2024 Gods